There are so many people who make it possible for us to care for our residents, especially through a challenging year like this one.
And because we know it takes a team to make it happen, we’d like to recognize the maintenance directors who have gone above and beyond expectations this year. This special group of people has been instrumental in supporting our team and caring for our residents.
Please join us in congratulating the following team members for their hard work, commitment, and recognition.
“Mike is excellent! He always goes out of his way to help our team and the residents. Even when his mom was in the hospital, he took time out to come and help one of our garden homes that needed assistance.
He is always willing to bring tools/equipment from home (eg lights for Halloween), puts in extra hours, comes in on his days off to help with projects and ensure the community is in the best possible shape and keeps us laughing with his jokes.
Mike stays busy, but will always stop to chat with staff and residents. He is very witty and will put a smile on your face no matter what kind of day you’re having. Traditions at Solana is incredibly lucky to have him on our side!! Every community needs their own Mike!”
(Reagan Park)
“Within two weeks of starting at Reagan Park, our Maintenance Director had to go on an unexpected leave of absence. At that time, we did not have a maintenance assistant and we were also down a housekeeper. Mr. Keys was asked to help support our community and he did so enthusiastically while also maintaining his own community.
Mr. Keys came to Reagan Park every day with a positive attitude and a smile, even though he was working seven days a week and innumerable amount of
hours during a global pandemic! He leads through example, has a strong work ethic, a can-do attitude, a strong sense of teamwork, the ability to multi-task and prioritize, and last but certainly not least, he is KIND in all things! Our team at Reagan Park would like to express our gratitude for Mr. Keys supporting our community through a difficult time. Be blessed, sir. We are proud to know you.”
“I am honored to nominate Mr. Keys for this award. Most of you know Mr. Keys and know his dedication to this building and the company. There are not enough words for me to say about him and how much he is appreciated and respected here at Traditions at Brookside.
Mr. Keys is exceptional at everything he does. He has tremendous passion about how things should be done and it shows in all his work. He is always willing to step up and help anyone in any situation, including our sister communities, and is always happy to do so.
Mr. Keys is more than just a maintenance director, he is a friend to all residents. I have seen him praying with them. Most holidays you will find him here at the building because he enjoys making sure residents are happy and have a nice holiday! This is just who he is and what he does. We are truly blessed to have him on our team.”
“Marc is so easy to work with and seems to be two steps ahead of us when it comes to preparing for new residents. He is proactive in so many situations, making suggestions in the best interest of Apple Blossom, and keeping everyone happy.
I appreciate Marc’s calm demeanor and also the fact that he listens and understands what I am communicating. He is intelligent and very invested in the day-to-day operations of Apple Blossom.
Marc goes above and beyond for our residents and staff, remains professional at all times and we definitely wanted to put in a good word for him.”
“Our Maintenance and Housekeeping Director, Bob Poor, has been a wonderful asset to our community since his arrival in late June 2020. Over the past four months, Bob has arduously led his staff through a tumultuous time in our industry and has gone to great lengths to make a positive impact on the lives of our residents.
Bob is a kind and patient person who can always be counted on to go above and beyond the call of duty for our team and community.”
“Steve is always smiling. He is very friendly and helpful with residents. He always answers his phone and is here for us. If there is a problem, even if it’s after hours, he jumps right in and never complains.
Steve knows our residents and goes out of his way to make sure they have everything they need. What a positive addition to our North Bend team.”
“Merle has been with Park Place for almost nine years!! Every day, he goes above and beyond to make our community look great, and he makes sure our residents have everything they need to feel safe and secure in their apartments.
Merle comes in whenever he is needed and stays late to get an apartment ready for its residents. He also does whatever is needed to keep our residents healthy during these times and leaves whomever he is talking to with a smile.
What an asset to our community, residents, and staff. Merle is so deserving of this.”
“Troy Miller goes above and beyond to make sure Ashton Grove is the very best. Maintaining a property the size of ours is not an easy task. From keeping the grounds watered and green, to fixing cracks and leaks that are sometimes par for the course with new construction and fixing one problem only to find a few more, we could give countless examples of how Troy handles himself with skill and class. But here are just a few:
Among the first things Troy did when he started the job is to ask for a tour from our CRD. He wanted to see exactly what our prospective residents see when they visit. He took notes in every room visited and then went back to be sure every stop along the tour was in perfect condition for showing.
Since then, when we know a tour is going to look at a particular apartment, Troy personally inspects the room himself prior to the visit to make sure every light is on, the door is unlocked, the temperature is comfortable and the carpet is freshly vacuumed.
Each day, he puts our residents first. Maintenance requests from our residents are top priority, day in and day out. Is the TV not working? Call Troy! He drops what he is doing and comes to fix it. Because in times such as these, something as small as the input needing to be changed on the TV can make the difference between a good or lousy day.
Right now Troy has volunteered to be the Project Guide for an Eagle Scout project. He just spent a weekend supervising a Boy Scout Troop while they made raised gardening and flowerbeds for our residents to enjoy this spring. When we asked him what his title and role is for this project he said, “I don’t know, it’s not about me.”
Troy means it when he says ‘it’s not about me.’ He doesn’t look for the spotlight or beg to be praised. He does his job with passion, enthusiasm, and grit, all while smiling and laughing along the way.”
“Jason has only been with Deerfield since the middle of October but has been with Traditions since November of 2019. He fit into this community immediately and quickly received the nickname ‘Speedy’ for the amount of work he accomplished in such a short amount of time.
Jason is keeping our community beautiful while training and coaching new housekeeping staff. I have residents tell me daily how much they love Jason and share with me the extra little things he does for them.
Jason is appreciated by staff and residents and is a great asset to Team Deerfield!”
“By definition, a Maintenance Director’s job description states, ‘Maintenance Directors manage an organization maintenance department at the highest level. They are responsible for setting the overall goals, strategies, and objectives for not only the entire department but also for individual team members.’
This is all fine and good, and our Director of Maintenance does all of these things. But I am here to talk about the extra little things he does that make our building such a comfortable home for our residents and a wonderful place to work for our staff.
Scott is willing to help any department, in any way. Not only is he always on call for emergencies, he is also always on hand for all staff meetings, community celebrations and to help a resident move.
Scott loves these residents and they love him, as does the staff. He is a therapist to boot, as employees often seek him out for advice and counsel.
These tiny things all combine to show how Scott goes above and beyond for this building and his team. I feel that the relationship between an Executive Director and Maintenance Director is one of the most important in the building. And I feel blessed and lucky to have gotten the best of the bunch here at Highgrove.”
“Not one of us can possibly understand what Alex Signor, Maintenance Director for Traditions at Beavercreek, faces in a single day. The ode below begins to describe our appreciation of Alex and what he does for our community:
People come home to things repaired and replaced,
They don’t know about all the problems you faced.
There’s much to be fixed between the windows and walls,
But you never flinch whenever maintenance calls.
You do what you do, fixing faucets and doors,
Toilets and heaters and cleaning the floors.
You don’t go unnoticed, you don’t go unseen,
Since you fixed the light in apartment fourteen.
Thank you, Alex, for keeping us from having too many loose screws!”
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